Tagging is used to score specific emails, emaildomains, domains, names, IPs, TLDs, CIDRs, and device fingerprints as good, bad, or to skip scoring. Items tagged as Bad will add negative scoring to the risk area, Good tags add positive scoring, and Do Not Score will set the item score to zero. Good and Bad scoring is incremental to standard area scoring and the amount can be set in your scoring profile. Tags can be managed in the Customer Portal or by using the Tag API.
To illustrate how tagging works, if you send IP =, the vet will hit "Private or no geo IP" risk and score -10 (default scoring) for IP area. Adding tags of:
Bad will add -130 to the IP score area, and the IP will now score -140
Good will add +130 to the IP scoring area, and the IP will now score +120
Do Not Score will set the IP scoring to 0
Always Score Good will add 5,000 points and the total score will always be 100 or greater
Always Score Bad will subtract 5,000 points and the total score will always be -100 or less
Endpoint (6.4)
The API accepts both HTTPS POST and HTTPS GET.
For GET use the format:
When using POST, make sure to have Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
CURL POST API call example:
curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded -d 'apikey=your_apikey' https://feed-api.ehawk.net/tag/function/
Select a function:
Add, update, or delete tags
Returns reports on existing tags
As an example, using GET to add an IP as Bad:
Use function set with keywords and value pair(s) with a single required reason to add tag items.
Keyword | Value and Format |
apikey | Your E-HAWK Vetting API KEY (required) |
ip | IP address. IPv4 or IPv6. |
email * | email address (name@example.com) |
emaildomain * | email domain (example.com) Does not support subdomains |
domain * | a domain (example.com) or subdomain (abc.example.com) |
phone * | US and Canada: 10 digit format XXXXXXXXXX International: "+" AND country code AND number, ex: +33143542331 (France phone) |
name * | Full name |
fingerprint | The Talon device fingerprint returned in the JSON from the Vetting API call. 'always good' or 'always bad' tag not supported |
tld | Top Level Domain. TLD tags will test against both emaildomain and domain. If you add 'xxx' as a TLD, both 'test@example.xxx' and 'www.example.xxx' will be tagged. |
cidr | CIDR supports /24 to /31 only. Example: x.x.x.0/24 |
countrycode | Two letter lowercase country code (example us=United States) |
aba | Bank routing number. In US this is the ABA |
reason | bad good do not score always good always bad delete (one required) |
For example, to tag IP as bad using CURL:
curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded -d 'apikey=your_apikey&ip=' https://feed-api.ehawk.net/tag/set/
The API also supports sending multiple items and types in a single call. For example, to add good tags for two IPs and a domain, you just make the items an array using brackets [] after the type name:
curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded -d 'apikey=your_apikey&ip[]=[]=' https://feed-api.ehawk.net/tag/set/
Or using GET
Each call can have only one reason, but you can send up to 50 keyword/values per call. If sending large data amounts to the API, we recommend using POST as GET truncates at 2,048 characters.
Reports and Paging
Use function list followed by a required keyword and optional reason
For example, a GET to return a list of all IPs that are tagged Bad:
And a CURL call for the same report:
curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded -d 'apikey=your_apikey&type=ip&reason=bad' https://feed-api.ehawk.net/tag/list/
The reporting API supports a username filter, so to limit the call above to only return tags added by the portal user of name@example.com:
curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded -d 'apikey=your_apikey&type=ip&reason=bad&user=name@example.com' https://feed-api.ehawk.net/tag/list/
The report is returned in JSON format with a maximum of 500 items.
{ "response": { "items": { "ip": { "": "bad", "": "bad" } } }, "status": 200 }
Report Tag API calls are limited to 2,000 rows, 500 by default. Use optional paging commands to page through large data sets.
page Default page starts at 1. Increase for each additional block of records. For example, for page 10
num number of records returned. Default is 500 and max is 2,000.
JSON Response
The returned JSON when adding item(s) with a count of items actually added in response :
{ "response":"Ok - added 3", "status":200 }
Status Codes
Status | Response |
200 | OK (no errors) |
-6 | IP not in ACL |
404 | A valid type is required |
502 | Errors with data. Invalid, no valid values provided |