Combo scoring is helping many clients tag high risk users with advanced and customized rules. In version 6.3, the system now supports up to 250 Combo Scoring rules per API key. Input values rules can be set to = or != (not equal) data points. In addition, the * wildcard, we also support multiple OR items separated by a |. As an example, to create a rule where input value of country is France, or Germany, or the United States, just set input value of Country = fr|de|us. All check points are case insensitive.
As a reminder, all filters and values must hit to trigger scoring. The combo names and details are listed in the JSON response and in the Portal. Make sure to click Update or Add in Combo Area when creating rules, and when finished with all editing, click Save Settings to save and apply Combo Scoring rules.
- GeoIPCountry is the two-letter country code based on the IP address vs. the API call value country. To score on IPs from Afghanistan, use GeoIPCountry = af
- A new Combo Scoring page is available in the main navigation menu. It is now easy to view all combo scoring hit counts and quickly drill down to view the data. Combo Scoring has also been added to Data Reports filters so you can create report filters for combo scoring. When you download your scoring profile, combo scoring items will also be included.
Two new features for Alerts: Alert IDs with a new list function call and Alert Threshold.
- The portal will now list the Alert ID on the Alert page. This is the unique ID for the Alert. The API response will also include alert_id for each alert. The Alert API list function supports a new option of id=alert_id. This call returns up to 500 Alerts, starting at the alert_id. The option returns all alerts and marks any unsent as sent. Increase the alert_id for paging. See Alert API.
- In API Key Settings, the Alerts tab has a new Create Alert Threshold setting. Alerts are created by default on all API calls that score better than -100 and where the risk score exceeds the Alert Score Threshold. Create Alert Threshold can be configured from -1 to -5,000. As an example, if you want to get Alerts for API calls that score better than -400, set the Create Alert Threshold at -400.
- Admins can now unlock accounts in the portal. Accounts are locked after several incorrect username/password login attempts. Locked users will have a lock icon in the right column of the user lists. Select Unlock User in the options menu.